IMA Mission

The International Mokuhanga Association organizes triannual conferences, including IMC2011 Kyoto/Awaji; IMC2014 Tokyo; IMC2017 Hawaii; and IMC2020 Nara, as well as promoting other mokuhanga-related events such as classes and exhibitions. Its focus is on the international promotion of this Japanese technique.

The mission of the International Mokuhanga Association (IMA) is to foster the expertise of water-based woodblock printmaking (hereinafter referred to as mokuhanga)
国際木版画会議の目的は以下のことを継続することによって、水性木版画(Mokuhanga)の専門家及び実践 者の専門的な知識を促進することです。

• to improve the development of Mokuhanga expression, tools and culture

• to offer opportunities to present mokuhanga research and share information

• to promote innovation and the dissemination of information about mokuhanga.

Included in this mission the aims are to:

– cultivate global mokuhanga connections, friendships and networks, and create opportunities for collaboration and open exchange through the IMC conferences and meetings

– be inclusive of and inspire all mokuhanga artists/craftspeople/makers at all levels

– develop the aesthetic language of mokuhanga and promote dialogue therein

– encourage innovations across all levels of mokuhanga

– preserve mokuhanga skills, craftsmanship, traditions and materials

– foster work sites that are receptive to mokuhanga

– value the experience of all mokuhanga makers, particularly when creating by hand

– archive mokuhanga resources for the next generation